Just like other female mammals, cats experience natural cycles preparing their bodies for the possibility of pregnancy and giving birth to kittens.
This cycle in cats is called “estrus.” Cats are suggested to keep in heat during estrus.
If your concern is, do cats bleed when in heat?
Usually, they don't bleed during this estrus or heat. But, if you notice any blood, there might be some serious issues going on internally.
It would be best if you took your cat to the veterinarian.
Heat Cycles in Cats
They mostly go into the heat cycle in their late kittenhood. And, the heat cycle happens periodically during the fertile years.
The heat cycle may start when they are four-month-old.
It will continue to happen until they are spayed or bred. The cycle repeats every two to three weeks and lasts for up to two weeks.
What are the Signs of Estrus or Heat Cycle?
You may find the behavioral change.
Some cats become very demanding and affectionate.
They continuously seek their owner's attention by rubbing against their owner.
They seem to be vocal, which might be annoying to the owner. Also, some cats urinate more frequently.
Sometimes, they spray urine on the vertical object and leave marks. It's a sign of their reproduction status, which attracts intact male cats.
Bleeding During Heat Cycles
The well-known veterinarian, Dr. Jeff Werber, states that “cats usually do not bleed” during estrus. Bleeding when they are in heat is not normal. However, it may not happen to every cat.
Some cats do bleed, which indicates that something is wrong with them.
Dr. Jeff Werber's address is a very thin and light secretion. The owner might not be concerned about that.
He also added, if it becomes more aggressive, you must get your cat checked by a veterinarian.
When cats bleed heavily, they might be going through an internal problem. This problem is not related to the heat cycle.
Why do Cats Bleed When in Heat?
As mentioned, your cat may have some internal problems if vaginal discharge happens.
The possible problem is ovarian or follicular cysts. Also, it might be a problem related to their uterine tract.
Your cat may also have vaginitis or urinary tract infection. Or, if your cat bleeds during pregnancy, perhaps she miscarries her litter.
Depending on the problem your cat goes through, it might be painful for your feline.
To Sum Up!
Cats generally don't bleed during their estrus or when in heat.
If you observe that your cat is bleeding, don't delay taking her to the veterinarian.
The veterinarian can easily detect their problem and help alleviate your cat's discomfort.
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