How To Leash Train a Cat?
Cat lovers often **wonder** if it's essential to take their cats for outdoor walks.
Studies have shown that it is always better for cats to have outdoor experiences, and therefore, walking your cat is an option you must consider.
Many of you might wonder how this particular objective is to be achieved.
First, you must consider that it is not safe for the house cats to roam outside as they please.
They will face threats from other animals and other cats competing for territorial domination. Therefore, you should teach your cat how she can walk with a leash on.
It may seem unusual at first, but many cat owners are giving their cats leash training so that they can walk their cats.
Having a leash will give you complete control, and there is a strong possibility of losing your cat if they are without a leash.
Worried About Walking Your Cat? Go Through The Basics
How to thoroughly train your cat to walk on a leash?
How to help your cat to have an outdoor experience?
Although, it seems to you a difficult job to handle, similar to bathing your cat. It is easy to follow the appropriate techniques discussed in the following sections.
Before outlining the particular process as to how you can train your cat to walk with you outdoors, it is imperative to touch upon some subjects which are vital during the process.
You must not forget that age is essential in training not only cats but also humans.
It is always easy to start early if you're trying to teach your cat a particular habit or routine. The cat in the early stage will pick up the habit of walking on a leash a lot quicker than a full-grown cat.
Moreover, cats should be introduced to the outdoors before developing a fear of the outdoors.
If you observe closely, you will notice this tendency to avoid the outdoors in many housecats today. The reason for this is their fear of the outdoors.
Another essential practice is developing the responsiveness of your cat.
If your cat does not rush to you when you call her name, then now is when you should start practising this.
While in the streets, you may have let go of the leash to hold or pick up something, and your cat runs off.
It can get challenging to find your cat back at this time. But if your cat responds and rushes to you whenever you call her, it will never be an issue.
Harness OR Collar
Many of us think about the first thing while buying a leash as a collar leash, completely ignoring the uncontrollable agility cats possess.
A collar leash can put a severe strain on your cat's neck and injure your cat.
What is the solution, then?
Experts suggest using a harness instead of a collar leash.
The harness will not put pressure on your cat as it will cover the front side of the cat's body.
On the other hand, you will enjoy the comfort of having total control over your cat while you walk with her.
You will find a fine body harness for your cat within 10-15$ only in your local market.
No Alternatives To Training Sessions
After selecting the right sort of leash for your cat comes the training.
It probably is the most critical part of getting your cat out in the sunlight.
When you first attach the leash to your cat, do not try to make her walk right away. You must be very patient with the cat and let the cat walk with the leash as she pleases.
The cat will walk around the house as she usually did and gradually develop the subconscious faculties required to walk with the leash.
Furthermore, when you observe and understand that your cat is comfortable with the harness, you can pick up the leash and try to walk with her.
Do not try to control your cat's natural movement order; rather, watch and walk behind her.
Let her be the leader while you walk, and follow her direction when she walks.
You must put your earnest devotion into this particular training method. This practice is crucial in developing your cats roaming in the streets.
This practice has to be performed every day if you want your cat to pick up the habit of walking with a leash quickly.
Final Steps To The Outdoors
You can take her out when you understand that the cat is comfortable with the leash inside your house. Â
It is probably better to sit in a park with your cat for the first few days.
Let her get used to the outside environment, the sunshine, the wind, the flowers and the people around her.
Do the same practice for a few more days, and when you see that she has adapted to the environment and displaying a keen interest in exploring the outdoors, you can finally start walking with her.
Now find a safe walk path for you and your cat and replicate previous walking practices.
Try to find a clean place to walk on; stepping on unclean substances will put your cat's health at risk. It will also endanger your family's health if your cat brings germs from outside.
Never abandon your cat no matter how difficult a circumstance may arise, and avoid leaving your cat unattended.
The procedures discussed above are perhaps the most accurate ways to deal with walking your cat and dog issues.
To sum up, your cat needs time outdoors just as you do.
Pets are not meant to be chained inside the house. Instead, they also deserve a happy and healthy outdoor experience.
Take her on your camping trips and night outings; make her your companion when you sit under the night sky watching the distant stars.
Remember to walk your cat regularly and take her to locations where you enjoy being and give your cat a healthy life.
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