Ear mites make cats super uncomfortable. These little bugs hang out in a cat's ear canal and **feed on its blood**.
Ear mites annoy cats badly. She tends to scratch constantly to get some comfort.
You might have observed this tiny creature rushing across your cat’s skin. That being said, olive oil works like magic to get your cat some relief from ear mites.
If your little feline is suffering from an infestation of ear mites, you should prioritize the problem.
Olive oil contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It helps to get them rid of ear mites.
Unless you notice anything unusual, you can try olive oil.
What is ear mite?
Ear mites, also known as Otodectes, are tiny-sized creatures.
They are parasites, which means they live off other creatures.
In cats, they are found in-ear canal where they eat their ear wax or even suck blood.
How do cats get ear mites?
You may notice ear mites after they become infected, but how does it come from?
Here are some of the possible sources:
- From the outdoors like the lawn, garden, etc.
- From their fellow cats.
- Overtime build-up of ear wax.
- Interacting with dogs, rabbits, and other animals.
- Lack of hygiene
How to tell if cat has ear mites?
Several symptoms can diagnose the presence of ear mites.
The following signs determine that your car is suffering from ear mites:
- Redness and inflammation in their ear zone.
- Waxy secretion because of too much wax build-up.
- Constant scratching the ears or shaking heads.
- Crusts or scabs formation in and around the ears.
- A coffee ground-like powdery build-up in the ears.
How to treat Ear Mites in Cats?
Olive Oil with Crushed Garlic
One of the most effective home remedies that you must try. The solution of olive oil with crushed garlic.
Garlic contains powerful medicinal properties, such as alliin and alliinase. They form allicin when they react.
Allicin provides its antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties.
After you crush the garlic, it converts from alliin to allicin. Besides, olive oil contains vitamin E, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidants benefits.
Olive oil can minimize the inflammation that happens due to ear mites. When you mix olive oil with crushed garlic, it becomes more effective.
Crush one whole garlic head and mix it with hot olive oil. Leave it for overnight.
Apply a few drops into the ear the next morning.
Follow the treatment for at least 21 days to get a satisfactory result. You’ll likely notice a positive change in your cat.
Olive Oil Massage
Apply several drops of olive oil into their ear canal and massage gently. It will bring the ear wax and mites to the outer part of their ear.
Then, wipe it away with a tissue or a cotton ball.
Repeat the massage until the debris is gone.
Avoid using cotton swabs, and it could puncture their eardrum if it slips.
And there you have it!
This is how to treat ear mites’ problem with olive oil.
The best part is, olive oil doesn’t contain any harmful substances. So, it is absolutely safe for your cat.
Note that olive oil treatment will be useful for the initial stages of ear mites. If you find anything serious, take your cat to the vet immediately.
Ear mites for cats is a very annoying situation. Try to realise the symptoms as early as possible.
Always start your fellow treatment with natural remedies at the beginnings and just after that try to find any “not-natural” product.
Obviously, if you figured it out the symptoms too late, in that case first thing, you book an appointment straight away with your local Vet.
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I wouldn’t recommend adding the garlic. Cats clean themselves and will rub and lick the oil with the garlic in it. Garlic is deadly to cats and can cause a serious anemia in them. Olive oil on it’s own is fine and is safe if the cat licks it.
Can they actually reach the garlic inside their ears, though?
You mix the garlic with olive oil, leave it for 24h and drop only olive oil into the ear canal without the mashed garlic and magic will happen! Hope it helps Treecie.